- Details
- Written by: Itisian
- Category: Friday Night Magic

NOV 5 - Booster Draft
NOV 12 - Modern
NOV 19 - Standard
NOV 26 - Modern
Even from three caverns away, the shriek of breaking metal echoed against the stone. Yet another broken excavator. If Karn had been an organic being, he would have sighed. Instead, he only paused and listened to the excavator's lingering rattles. He pitied his machines: no single setting could accommodate the eccentric geology of the Caves of Koilos, where olivine rock was as likely to back into sandstone as cinnabar, but he had no alternative. Here, he'd find the secret to operating the Sylex.
And he'd find it before any Phyrexian agent could.
**this is a fairly complex test and is not ready for prime time yet, but I can work on it as we go.**
- Details
- Written by: Itisian
- Category: Friday Night Magic

OCT 5 - Booster Draft
OCT 12 - Modern
OCT 19 - Standard
OCT 26 - Modern
Even from three caverns away, the shriek of breaking metal echoed against the stone. Yet another broken excavator. If Karn had been an organic being, he would have sighed. Instead, he only paused and listened to the excavator's lingering rattles. He pitied his machines: no single setting could accommodate the eccentric geology of the Caves of Koilos, where olivine rock was as likely to back into sandstone as cinnabar, but he had no alternative. Here, he'd find the secret to operating the Sylex.
And he'd find it before any Phyrexian agent could.
**this is a fairly complex test and is not ready for prime time yet, but I can work on it as we go.**
- Details
- Written by: Itisian
- Category: Friday Night Magic
April 5 - Booster Draft |
April 12 - Modern |
April 19 - Standard |
April 26 - Modern |
April 27 - Dragon Maze Pre-Release Day 1 |
April 27 - Dragon Maze Pre-Release Day 2 |
- Details
- Written by: Itisian
- Category: Friday Night Magic
May 3 - Booster Draft |
May 10 - Modern |
May 17 - Standard |
May 24 - Modern |